This list of Latin derivatives contains the most common Latin words, while the English derivatives for these words range from simple cognates to rather obscure terms. In several cases the English words are cognate with the Latin ones, i.e share common Indo-European roots that underwent many phonetic changes. If you want a printed version of this database of Latin derivatives or would like to learn about a more creative way to expand your vocabulary, please take a look at the 180-page book "Mnemonic Latin".
ab (a) + abl. -- away from, from; by (preposition): abject, abjure, abnormal, aborigine, absent, abstract
abeo, abire, abii, abitum -- to go away, depart; to die; to disappear (verb): abient
absens, absentis -- absent, away (adjective): absent
accedo, accedere, accessi, accessum -- to come to, approach; to agree (verb): accede, accedence, access
accido, accidere, accidi -- to fall upon; happen; occur (verb): accident, accidental
accipio, accipere, accepi, acceptum -- to take, receive; to let in (verb): accept, acceptable, acceptance, acceptant, acceptive
acer, acris, acre -- sharp, keen, eager, severe (adjective): acerose
acerbus, a, um -- harsh, bitter, grievous (adjective): acerbity
ad -- to, near to, toward, at (preposition): addition
adeo, adire, adii, aditum -- to go to, approach (verb): adient (psych.)
adfero, adferre, attuli, allatum -- to bring to (verb): afferent
adiuvo, adiuvare, adiuvi, adiutum -- to help (verb): adjuvant
admitto, admittere, admisi, admissum -- to admit, receive, let in (verb): admit, admission
adulescens, adulescentis, m. -- youth; young man (noun): adolescense
adulescentia, adulescentiae, f. -- youth (noun): adolescence
advenio, advenire, adveni, adventum -- to come; arrive, reach (verb): advene, advent, adventist
adversus, a, um -- opposite, adversary (adjective): adverse, adversity
aedificium, aedificii, n. -- building, structure (noun): edifice, edify
aequus, a, um -- level, even; calm; equal, just (adjective): equal, equate, equity
aes, aeris, n. -- bronze (noun): aerose
aestimo, aestimare, aestimavi, aestimatum -- to consider, esteem; to judge (verb): esteem
aetas, aetatis, f. -- period, time of life, age (noun): eternal, eternity
aeternus, a, um -- eternal (adjective): eternal, eternity
affero, afferre, attuli, allatus -- to bring to; carry; produce (verb): afferent
ager, agri, m. -- field (noun): acre, agral
aggredior, aggredi, aggressus sum -- approach, advance; attack; undertake (verb): aggressive, aggressor
ago, agere, egi, actum -- to drive, lead, do, act; pass, spend (time) (verb): navigate, transaction
ago, agere, egi, actus -- drive, urge, conduct; deliver (speech) (verb): act, active, agent, agile, agitate
agricola, agricolae, m. -- farmer (noun): agriculture
alius, alia, aliud -- other, another (adjective): alias, aliety, else
alo, alere, alui, altum -- to nourish, support, sustain (verb): altricial
alter, altera, alterum -- the other (of two); second (adjective): alter, alterate
ambulo, ambulare, ambulavi, ambulatum -- to walk (verb): ambulation, preambulate
amica, amicae, f. -- friend (noun): amicable
amicitia, amicitiae, f. -- friendship (noun): amity
amicus, a, um -- friendly (adjective): amicable, amity
amicus, amici, m. -- friend (noun): amicable
amo, amare, amavi, amatum -- to love, like (verb): amateur, amiable, amity, amicable, amorous
amor, amoris, m. -- love (noun): amorous
anima, animae, f. -- soul, spirit (noun): animism, animal
animadverto, animadvertere, animadverti, animadversum -- pay attention to, attend to; notice, observe (verb): animadversion, animadvert
animal, animalis, n. -- animal (noun): animal, animalist
animi, animorum, m. -- pride, high spirits, courage (noun): animated
animus, animi, m. -- soul, spirit (noun): animate, animist, unanimous
annus, anni, m. -- year (noun): annual, annuity
ante + acc. -- before, in front of (preposition): antebellum
antiquus, a, um -- ancient (adjective): antiquity
aperio, aperire, aperui, apertum -- uncover, open, disclose (verb): aperture, overt
appareo, apparere, apparui, apparitum -- appear, show up, occur (verb): apparent, appear
appello, appellare, appellavi, appellatum -- to call, name (verb): appellation, appellate
aqua, aquae, f. -- water (noun): aquatic, aquapark
arbitror, arbitrari, arbitratus sum -- to judge, think (verb): arbiter, arbitrary
arbor, arboris, f. -- tree (noun): arboral, arborist
argumentum, argumenti, n. -- proof, evidence, argument (noun): argument, argumentation
arma, armorum, n. -- arms, weapons (noun): arms, armory, army
ars, artis, f. -- skill, art (noun): art, artful, artistic, artisan
as, assis, m. -- an as (ancient coin) (noun): as
asper, aspera, asperum -- rough, harsh, bitter (adjective): asperity, exasperate
Athenae, Athenarum, f. -- Athens (noun): Athens
auctor, auctoris, m. -- author, originator; supporter (noun): author, auctorial, authority
audax, audacis -- bold, daring; courageous; rash (adjective): audacious
audeo, audere, ausus sum -- to dare (verb): audacity, audacious
audio, audire, audivi, auditum -- to hear (verb): audio, audience
auditor, auditoris, m. -- listener, hearer (noun): auditory
aura, aurae -- breeze, wind, air; vapor (noun): aura
aureus, a, um -- golden; gilded; beautiful (adjective): aureate, auric
auris, auris, f. -- ear (noun): ear (cognate), aural
aurum, auri, n. -- gold; riches (noun): aureate, auric
auxilium, auxilii, n. -- aid, help (noun): auxiliary
avarus, a, um -- greedy, avaricious (adjective): avarice, avaricious
averto, avertere, averti, aversum -- to avert, turn away (verb): avert, aversion
basium, basii, n. -- kiss (noun): basiate
beatus, a, um -- happy, fortunate, blessed (adjective): beatify
bellum, belli, n. -- war (noun): bellicose, belliferous, rebel, antebellum
bellus, a, um -- pretty, handsome (adjective): belladonna, beauty, belle
bene -- well, satisfactorily, quite (adverb): benediction
beneficium, beneficii, n. -- benefit, kindness, favor (noun): beneficial, beneficiary
bibo, bibere, bibi -- to drink (verb): imbibe, bibition
bonus, a, um -- good; kind (adjective): bonus, bonify
brevis, breve -- short, brief (adjective): breve, brief, brevity
cado, cadere, cecidi, casum -- to fall (verb): decadence, incident
caecus, a, um -- blind (adjective): cecity (obsolete)
caelum, caeli, n. -- heaven, sky (noun): celestial
Caesar, Caesaris, m. -- Caesar (noun): Kaiser, tsar
calamitas, calamitatis -- disaster, calamity (noun): calamity, calamitous
campus, campi m. -- plain, level field, surface (noun): camp, campaign, champion
candidus, a, um -- shining, bright, white; beautiful (adjective): candid, candidate
cano, canere, cecini, cantum -- sing, celebrate, chant; recite (verb): cantata, chant, enchant
capio, capere, cepi, captum -- to capture, take, get (verb): capture, perception
caput, capitis, n. -- head; leader; beginning (noun): capitulate, capitol
careo, carere, carui, cariturum -- to be without, lack, be deprived from (verb): carency (obsolete)
carmen, carminis, n. -- poem, song (noun): charm
carpo, carpere, carpsi, carptum -- to harvest, pluck, seize (verb): carp, excerpt
Carthago, Carthaginis, f. -- Carthage (noun): Carthage, Carthaginian
carus, a, um -- dear (adjective): caress, charity
casa, casae, f. -- house (noun): casino
casus, casus f. -- fall, overthrow; chance; accident (noun): case, casual
causa + gen. -- for the sake of, on account of (preposition): cause, causal, causation
causa, causae, f. -- cause, reason; case, situation (noun): cause, causal, causation
cedo, cedere, cessi, cessum -- to go, withdraw; yield to, grant, submit (verb): cease, cession, secede, recede
celer, celeris, celere -- swift, quick (adjective): celerity
celeritas, celeritatis f. -- speed, quickness; speed of action, haste (noun): celerity
cella, cellae f. -- room; storeroom (noun): cell, cellar
celo, celare, celavi, celatum -- conceal; disguise; keep in the dark (verb): cell, cellar, conceal, occult
cena, cenae, f. -- dinner (noun): cenacle
ceno, cenare, cenavi, cenatum -- to dine (verb): cenation, cenacle
centum -- hundred (adjective): centenial, cent, percent, centipede
cerno, cernere, crevi, cretum -- to distinguish, discern, perceive (verb): concern, discern
certus, a, um -- definite, sure, certain (adjective): certain
ceteri, ceterae, cetera -- the remaining, the rest, the other, all the others (adjective): et cetera
cingo, cingere, cinxi, cinctum -- to surround, gird; equip (verb): ceinture, precinct
civis, civis, m. & f. -- citizen (noun): civil, civilian, civic, city
civitas, civitatis, f. -- state, citizenship (noun): civity, civilian, civilization
clamo, clamare, clamavi, clamatum -- to proclaim, declare; shout out (verb): claim, exclaim, proclaim
clarus, a, um -- clear, bright; famous, illustrious (adjective): clear, clarity, clarify
clementia, clementiae, f. -- mercy, mildness, clemency (noun): clemency, clement
cogito, cogitare, cogitavi, cogitatum -- to think (verb): cogitation, cogitable, precogitate
cognosco, cognoscere, cognovi, cognitum -- to learn, recognize; know (perf. tenses) (verb): cognition, cognizance
cogo, cogere, coegi, coactum -- to drive together, bring together, force, compel (verb): coact, cogent
colloquor, colloqui, collocutus sum -- to speak with; talk over (verb): colloquial, collocution
comes, comitis -- comrade, companion (noun): comestible, comitatus
committo, committere, commisi, commissum -- to entrust, commit; join (verb): commit, commission
communis, commune -- common, general (adjective): common, community
comprehendo, comprehendere, comprehensi, comprehensum -- to grasp, seize, arrest;comprehend, understand (verb): comprehend, comprehension
condo, condere, condidi, conditum -- to put together, store; found, establish (verb): condition
confero, conferre, contuli, collatum -- to bring together, compare; to go (+reflex.) (verb): confer, conference
conficio, conficere, confeci, confectum -- to make, complete, accomplish; do thoroughly (verb): comfit, confecture, conficient
confiteor, confiteri, confessus sum -- to confess, admit, acknowledge, reveal (verb): confess, confession, confide
coniunx, coniugis c. -- spouse; husband, wife (noun): conjugal
coniuratus, coniurati, m. -- conspirator (noun): conjurate (obsolete)
conor, conari, conatus sum -- to try, attempt (verb): conation, conatus
conservo, conservare, conservavi, conservatum -- to preserve, conserve, maintain (verb): conservation, conservative
consilium, consilii, n. -- plan, purpose; advice (noun): consul, consiliary, counsel
constituo, constituere, constitui, constitutum -- to set up; locate; decide, resolve; establish (verb): constitute, constitution
consul, consulis, m. -- consul (noun): consul, consulate
consumo, consumere, consumpsi, consumptum -- to consume, use up (verb): consume, consumption
contemno, contemnere, contempsi, contemptum -- to despise, condemn (verb): condemn, condemnation
contendo, contendere, contendi, contentum -- to strive, struggle, contend; hasten (verb): contend, contention
contineo, continere, continui, contentum -- to contain (verb): contain, container, content
contra + acc. -- against (preposition): contrast, contraverse, contraband
contundo, contundere, contudi, contusum -- to beat, crush, bruise, destroy (verb): contuse, contusion
copia, copiae, f. -- abundance, supply (noun): copious
copiae, copiarum, f. -- troops, forces (noun): copious
cornu, cornus, n. -- horn (noun): cornucopia, corn, cornual, unicorn
corona, coronae f. -- crown, garland; wealth (noun): crown, coronal
corpus, corporis, n. -- body (noun): corpse, corporal, corporation, incorporate
cras -- tomorrow (adverb): procrastinate
credo, credere, credidi, creditum -- to believe, trust (verb): credible, credence, creed
creo, creare, creavi, creatum -- to create (verb): create, recreate, creature
cresco, crescere, crevi, cretum -- to increase (verb): crescent, cresdendo, increase
crudelis, crudele -- cruel, severe; harsh, bitter (noun): crude, cruel
culpa, culpae, f. -- fault, blame (noun): culpable, exculpate
culpo, culpare, culpavi, culpatum -- to blame, censure (verb): culpable, exculpate
cum + abl. -- with (preposition): vademecum
cum + subj. -- when, since, although (conjunction): combine, cum laude
cupiditas, cupiditatis, f. -- desire, longing, passion (noun): cupidity
cupido, cupidinis, f. -- desire, passion (noun): cupid, cupidinous
cupidus, a, um -- desirous, eager, fond;desirous of,eager for(+gen.) (adjective): cupid, cupidity
cupio, cupere, cupivi, cupitum -- to desire, wish, long for (verb): cupid, concupiscence
cura, curae, f. -- care, attention; love; anxiety (noun): "care, manicure, secure, sinecure (""without care"")"
curo, curare, curavi, curatum -- to care for, attend to; heal, cure; take care (verb): cure, curator
curro, currere, cucurri, cursum -- to run, rush (verb): current, concourse
cursus, cursus, m. -- running, race, course (noun): course, concourse
custodia, custodiae, f. -- protection, custody; pl., guards (noun): custody
custos, custodis c. -- to guard, watch; keeperl jailer (noun): custodian
damno, damnare, damnavi, damnatum -- to condemn, harm; find fault (verb): damn, damnable, indemn
dea, deae, f. -- goddess (noun): deity, deify
debeo, debere, debui, debitum -- to owe; ought (verb): debt
decerno, decernere, decrevi, decretum -- to decree; to separate (verb): decern, decree, dectetion
decorus, a, um -- beautiful; adorned; proper, noble (adjective): decor, decorate
dedico, dedicare, dedicavi, dedicatum -- to dedicate (verb): dedicate, dedication
defendo, defendere, defendi, defensum -- to ward off, defend, protect (verb): defend, defence
defero, deferre, detuli, delatum -- to carry off; transfer; reduce; offer (verb): defer, deference
delectatio, delectationis, f. -- delight, pleasure, enjoyment (noun): delight, delectable
delecto, delectare, delectavi, delectatum -- to delight, charm, please (verb): delight, delectable
deleo, delere, delevi, deletum -- to destroy, wipe out, erase (verb): delete, delition
deligo, deligere, delegi, delectum -- to choose, select; enrol (verb): delectus
demens, dementis -- demented, mad; foolish (adjective): demented, dementia
demonstro, demonstrare, demonstravi, demonstratum -- to point out, show, demonstrate (verb): demonstrate
desidero, desiderare, desideravi, desideratum -- to desire, long for, miss (verb): desire, desideratum, desirable
desino, desinere, desivi, desitum -- to give up; abandon, cease, desist (verb): desition
deterreo, deterrere, deterrui, deterritum -- to deter; frighten away, discourage (verb): deter, deterrent
deus, dei, m. -- god (noun): deity
dexter, dextra, dextrum -- right, right-hand (adjective): dexter, dexterity, ambidexter
dico, dicere, dixi, dictum -- to say, speak (verb): dictate, diction, dedicate
dies, diei, m. -- day (noun): day (cognate), diary
differo, differre, distuli, dilatum -- to differ; delay; disperse (verb): differ, difference
difficilis, difficile -- difficult (adjective): difficult
digitus, digiti, m. -- finger, toe (noun): digit, digital
dignitas, dignitatis, f. -- merit, prestige, dignity (noun): dignity
dignus, a, um + abl. -- worthy, worthy of (adjective): dignity, dignify
diligens, diligentis -- diligent, careful (adjective): diligence, diligent
diligentia, diligentiae f. -- diligencee, care; frugality (noun): diligence, diligent
diligo, diligere, dilexi, dilectum -- to esteem, love (verb): delight, predelection, delectable
discedo, discedere, discessi, discessum -- to go away, depart (verb): decease, discess, discession
discipula, discipulae, f. -- student (female) (noun): disciple, discipline
discipulus, discipuli, m. -- student (noun): disciple, discipline
disco, discere, didici -- to teach (verb): disciple
dissimilis, dissimile -- unlike, different, dissimilar (adjective): dissimilar
dives, divitis (ditis) -- rich (adjective): divitism
divitiae, divitiarum, f. -- wealth, riches (noun): divitiate (obsolete)
do, dare, dedi, datum -- to give (verb): data, dative, donate
doceo, docere, docui, doctum -- to teach (verb): docile, doctor
doctus, a, um -- taught, learned, skilled (adjective): doctor, docile
doleo, dolere, dolui, doliturum -- to grieve, suffer; hurt, give pain (verb): dolent, indolence, condole
dolor, doloris, m. -- pain, grief (noun): dolor, dolorous
domi -- at home (adverb): domestic
domina, dominae, f. -- mistress, lady (noun): dominate, dominant
dominus, domini, m. -- master, lord (noun): dominate, dominant
domo -- from home (adverb): domestic
domum -- to home (adverb): domestic
domus, domus, f. -- house, home (noun): domestic
donum, doni, n. -- gift (noun): donate, doniferous
dormio, dormire, dormivi, dormitum -- to sleep (verb): dormitory, dormant
dubito, dubitare, dubitavi, dubitatum -- to doubt, hesitate (verb): doubt, dubitable
dubium, dubii n -- doubt, question (noun): dubious, doubt
dubius, a, um -- doubtful, dubious, uncertain (adjective): dubious, doubt
duco, ducere, duxi, ductum -- to lead; consider, regard (verb): duct, induce, produce
dulcis, dulce -- sweet, pleasant, agreeable (adjective): dulcify
duo, duae, duo -- two (adjective): two (cognate)
durus, a, um -- hard, harsh, rough, stern, unfeeling (adjective): durable, perdure
dux, ducis, m. -- leader, guide, commander, general (noun): duke, doge, ducal
educo, educare, educavi, educatum -- to bring up, educate; bring out (verb): educate
effero, efferre, extuli, elatum -- to carry out; bring out; raise (verb): elate, elation
egeo, egere, egui + abl. -- to need, lack, want (verb): egence (rare)
ego, mei -- I (pronoun): ego, egotistic
egredior, egredi, egressus sum -- to go out (verb): egress, egredient (obsolete)
elephantus, elephanti, m. -- elephant (noun): elephant, elephantine
emo, emere, emi, emptum -- to buy; gain, obtain (verb): emptor, emporium, emptitious (obsolete)
eo, ire, ivi (ii), itum -- to go (verb): exit, circuit
equus, equi, m. -- horse (noun): equestrian, equine
eripio, eripere, eripui, ereptum -- to snatch away, take away; rescue (verb): ereption
erro, errare, erravi, erratum -- to wander, err, go astray (verb): error, erroneous
est -- is (verb): essence
et -- and (conjunction): "et cetera (""and so on"")"
ex (e) +abl. -- out of, from; on account of (preposition): excavate, exit
excipio, excipere, excepi, exceptum -- to take out, except; take, receive, capture (verb): except, excipient (obsolete)
exemplar, exemplaris n. -- model, pattern, example; copy (noun): exemplar, example
exemplum, exempli n/ -- sample, specimen, representative; model (noun): example
exeo, exire, exii, exitum -- to go out, exit (verb): exit
exercitus, exercitus, m. -- army (noun): exercise, exercite (obsolete)
exigo, exigere, exegi, exactum -- to drive out, force out; exact; complete, perfect (verb): exact, exigent, exiguous
exiguus, a, um -- small; meager; poor (adjective): exiguous, exiguity
exitium, exitii, n. -- destruction, ruin (noun): exit
exorior, exoriri, exortus sum -- to come out; bring; appear; rise (verb): exortion
expello, expellere, expuli, expulsum -- to drive out, expel, banish (verb): expell
experior, experiri, expertus sum -- to try, test, experience (verb): experience, expert
expleo, explere, explevi, expletum -- to fill, fill up, complete (verb): expletory
explico, explicare, explicavi, explicatum -- to unfold, explain; spread out, deploy (verb): explicate
expono, exponere, exposui, expositum -- to set forth, explain, expose (verb): expose, exponible, exponent
exsilium, exsilii, n. -- exile, banishment (noun): exile
exspecto, exspectare, exspectavi, exspectatum -- to look for, expect, await (verb): expect
fabula, fabulae, f. -- story, tale, fable (noun): fable, fabulist, fabular
facile -- easily (adverb): facile, facility, facilitate
facilis, facile -- easy, agreeable (adjective): facile, facility, facilitate
facio, facere, feci, factum -- to make, do, accomplish (verb): facsimile, fact
factum, facti, n. -- deed, act (noun): fact
fama, famae, f. -- rumor, report; fame; reputation (noun): fame, famouse
familia, familiae, f. -- family, household (noun): family, familiar
fateor, fateri, fassus sum -- to confess, admit (verb): fassion (obsolete), profess, confess
fatigo, fatigare, fatigavi, fatigatum -- to weary, tire out (verb): fatigue
fatum, fati, n. -- fate, death (noun): fate, fatal
faveo, favere, favi, fautum -- to favor, befriend, support, back up (verb): favor, favorable
felix, felicis -- lucky, fortunate, happy (adjective): felicity, felicitate
femina, feminae, f. -- woman (noun): feminine, effeminate, female
fenestra, fenestrae, f. -- window (noun): fenestral (obsolete), defenestrate
fero, ferre, tuli, latum -- to bear, carry, bring; suffer, endure; say, report (verb): refer, defer, confer
ferox, ferocis -- fierce, savage (adjective): ferocious, ferocity
ferrum, ferri, n. -- iron; sword (noun): ferreous
fidelis, fidele -- faithful, loyal (adjective): fidelity, infidel
fides, fidei, f. -- faith, trust, fidelity, promise, guarantee (noun): fidelity, fideist, bona fide
figura, figurae f. -- shape, form, figure, image; beauty (noun): fugure, transfigure, configuration
filia, filiae, f. -- daughter (noun): filial, filicide
filius, filii, m. -- son (noun): filiety, filial
fines, finium, m. -- boundaries, territory (noun): finish, finite, infinity
finis, finis, m. -- end, limit, boundary, purpose (noun): finish, finite
fio, fieri, factus sum -- to occur, happen, become; be made, be done (verb): fiat
firmus, a, um -- firm, strong, reliable (adjective): firm, affirm
flamma, flammae f. -- flame, blaze; ardor; object of love; (noun): flame, flammable
flumen, fluminis, n. -- river (noun): flume, fluminal (obsolete)
fluo, fluere, fluxi, fluxum -- to flow (verb): fluxm fluid, affluent, influx
foedus, foederis n. -- treaty, agreement, contract; league (noun): federation, federal
for, fari, fatus sum -- to speak, talk, foretell (verb): confess, facundity
foris -- outdoors, outside (adverb): forum
forma, formae, f. -- form, shape, beauty (noun): form, formation, conform, formose
fortis, forte -- strong, brave (adjective): force, fortify
fortuna, fortunae, f. -- fortune, luck (noun): fortune
fortunatus, a, um -- fortunate (adjective): fortune, fortunate
forum, fori, n. -- marketplace, forum (noun): forum
foveo, fovere, fovi, fotum -- to cherish (verb): fovent, foment
frater, fratris, m. -- brother (noun): fraternity, friar, fraternal, fraternize, fratricide
frigidus, a, um -- cold, cool, chilly, frigid; lifeless (adjective): fridgid
fructus, fructus, m. -- fruit (noun): fruit, fructify
fuga, fugae f. -- flight; escape; exhile (noun): fugitive
fugio, fugere, fugi, fugiturum -- to flee, hurry away (verb): fugitive, refuge
fulgeo, fulgere, fulsi -- to flash, shine; glow, gleam (verb): fulgent, fulgently
fulgor, fulgoris n. -- lightening, flash; brightness, glory (noun): fulgour (obsolete), fulgorous
furtim -- stealthily, secretly (adverb): furtive
gaudeo, gaudere, gavisus sum -- to be glad, rejoice (verb): gaudibund (obsolete)
gaudium, gaudii n. -- joy (noun): gaudy, gaudious (obsolete)
geminus, a, um -- twin (adjective): geminate, gemination
gens, gentis, f. -- clan, race, nation, people (noun): generation
genu, genus, n. -- knee (noun): genual, genuflect, knee (cognate)
genus, generis, n. -- origin, kind, sort, class (noun): generic, generate
gero, gerere, gessi, gestum -- to carry, manage, conduct; accomplish (verb): belligerant, gesture, suggest
gladius, gladii m. -- sword (noun): gladiolus, gladiator
gloria, gloriae, f. -- glory, fame (noun): glory, glorify
gracilis, gracile -- slender, thin; poor (adjective): grace
gradior, gradi, gressus sum -- to walk, go, advance (verb): gradient, digress
gratus, a, um -- pleasing, agreeable; grateful (adjective): grace, gratify, gratitude
gravis, grave -- heavy, serious, important, grievous (adjective): grave, gravity, aggreviate
habeo, habere, habui, habitum -- to have, hold, possess (verb): habit, have (cognate)
hasta, hastae, f. -- spear (noun): hastiform, hastile (botany)
hic, haec, hoc -- this (adjective): haeceity
hodie -- today (adverb): hodiern
homo, hominis, m. -- man, human (noun): homicide, hominoid
honestus, a, um -- distinguished, reputable, respected; worthy (adjective): honest, honesty
honor, honoris, m. -- honor, esteem; public office (noun): honor, honorable
hora, horae, f. -- hour (noun): hour
horridus, a, um -- wild, frightful, rough; unkempt (adjective): horrid, horridly, horrify
hortor, hortari, hortatus sum -- to encourage, urge (verb): exhort, exhortation
hospes, hospitis m. -- host; guest, visitor, stranger (noun): host, hospitable
hostis, hostis, m. -- an enemy; pl., the enemy (noun): host, hosticide, hostile
humanus, a, um -- human (adjective): human, humanist
humilis, humile -- lowly, humble (adjective): humility, humiliate
humus, humi, f. -- ground, earth, soil (noun): humble, exhume, posthumous
iaceo, iacere, iacui -- to lie, lie prostrate, lie dead (verb): adjacent
iacio, iacere, ieci, iactum -- to throw, hurl (verb): eject
ianua, ianuae, f. -- door (noun): janitor
ibi -- there (adverb): ibidem
idem, eadem, idem -- the same (adjective): identity, identify, identical
idoneus, a, um -- suitable, fit, appropriate (adjective): idoneity
ignis, ignis, m. -- fire (noun): ignite, ignition
ignosco, ignoscere, ignovi, ignotum + dat. -- to grant pardon to, forgive (verb): ignoscible (obsolete)
ille, illa, illud -- that (adjective): illeism
immortalis, immortale -- immortal (adjective): immortal, immortality
impedio, impedire, impedivi, impeditum -- to impede, hinder, prevent (verb): impede
imperator, imperatoris, m. -- general, commander-in-chief (noun): emperator
imperium, imperii, n. -- power to command, authority, command, control (noun): empire, emperor
impero, imperare, imperavi, imperatum + dat. -- to give orders to, command (verb): imperative, emperor
impius, a, um -- wicked, impious, irreverent (adjective): impious, impiety
impleo, implere, implevi, impletum -- to fill up, satisfy; finish (verb): implement, implete
in + abl. -- in, on (preposition): in (cognate)
in + acc. -- into, toward; against (preposition): introduce, impose
incertus, a, um -- uncertain, doubtful (adjective): uncertain
incipio, incipere, incepi, inceptum -- to begin (verb): inception, incipient
incola, incolae m. -- inhabitant (noun): incolary (obsolete)
incolo, incolere, incolui -- to live, dwell; to inhabit (verb): incolant (obsolete)
indignus, a, um -- unworthy, undeserving, shameful (noun): indignity, indignant
ineo, inire, inii, initum -- to go in, enter (verb): inition (rare)
infelix, infelicis -- unfortunate, unhappy, wretched (adjective): infelicity
infero, inferre, intuli, inlatum -- bring in, import; inflict (verb): infer, inferrance
infirmus, a, um -- not strong, weak, feeble (adjective): infirmity
ingenium, ingenii, n. -- nature, innate talent (noun): ingenious, ingenuity
ingens, ingentis -- huge (adjective): ingent (obsolete)
ingredior, ingredi, ingressus sum -- advance, walk; enter, go into; begin (verb): ingress, ingredient, ingressive
inimicitia, inimicitiae f. -- unfriendliness, enmity, hostility (noun): enmity, inimicable
inimicus, a, um -- enemy, foe (adjective): enemy, inimicable
initium, initii, n. -- beginning, commencement (noun): initial, initiation
iniuria, iniuriae, f. -- injustice, injury, wrong (noun): injury
insidiae, insidiarum, f. -- ambush, plot, treachery (noun): insidiary, insidious
instituo, instituere, institui, institutum -- to set up, establish, make, institute; build (verb): institute
insula, insulae, f. -- island (noun): isle, insular, insulate
intellego, intellegere, intellexi, intellectum -- to understand (verb): intelligent
intendo, intendere, intendi, intentum -- to hold out; stretch, strain, exert (verb): intend, intensive
inter + acc. -- between, among (preposition): intermission, interstate
interest, interesse, interfuit -- it concerns, it interests (verb): interest
interficio, interficere, interfeci, interfectum -- to kill, murder (verb): interfection (rare)
invado, invadere, invasi, invasum -- enter, attempt; invade (verb): invade, invasion
invenio, invenire, inveni, inventum -- to come upon, find (verb): invent
invideo, invidere, invidi, invisum -- to look at with envy, envy, be jealous of (verb): invidious
invidia, invidiae, f. -- envy, jealousy, hatred (noun): invidious
invito, invitare, invitavi, invitatum -- to invite, summon (verb): invite
ipse, ipsa, ipsum -- -self (intensive) (pronoun): ipseity, solipsism
ira, irae, f. -- anger, ire (noun): irate, ire
iratus, a, um -- angry (adjective): ire, irate
iter, itineris, n. -- road, route, journey (noun): itinerary
iterum -- again (adverb): iterate
iubeo, iubere, iussi, iussum -- to bid, order, command (verb): jussive
iucundus, a, um -- pleasant, delightful, agreeable (adjective): jucund (obsolete)
iudex, iudicis, m. -- judge, juror (noun): judge, judicial
iudicium, iudicii, n. -- judgement, decision, opinion; trial (noun): judgement, judiciary
iungo, iungere, iunxi, iunctum -- to join (verb): join, junction, yoke (cognate)
ius, iuris, n. -- right, justice, law (noun): just, justice, juror
iussum, iussi n. -- command, order (noun): jussive
iustus, a, um -- just, right (adjective): just, justify
iuvo, iuvare, iuvi, iutum -- to help (verb): juvate
labor, labi, lapsus sum -- slip, slip and fall; slide (verb): lapse, collapse
labor, laboris, m. -- work, labor (noun): labor
laboro, laborare, laboravi, laboratum -- to labor, be in distress (verb): labor, laborious, labouring
lacrima, lacrimae, f. -- tear (noun): lachrymose, lachrymal
laetus, a, um -- happy, cheerful (adjective): laetable (obsolete)
Latinus, a, um -- Latin (adjective): Latin, latinize
laudo, laudare, laudavi, laudatum -- to praise (verb): laudatory, laudable, laudify
laus, laudis, f. -- praise (noun): laudify
lector, lectoris, m. -- reader (noun): lector, lectorate
lectrix, lectricis, f. -- reader (female) (noun): lectrice, lectorate
legatus, legati m. -- legate, envoy (noun): legate, delegate
lego, legere, legi, lectum -- to pick out, choose; read (verb): lectore, legate, collect
levis, leve -- light, slight, easy, trivial (adjective): levity, alleve, relieve
lex, legis, f. -- law, statute (noun): legislation, legal
libellus, libelli, m. -- little book (noun): libel
liber, libera, liberum -- free (adjective): liberty, liberate
liber, libri, m. -- book (noun): library
liberalis, liberale -- relating to a free person, decent, generous (adjective): liberal, liberate
libero, liberare, liberavi, liberatum -- to free, liberate (verb): liberate, liberty, liberal
libertas, libertatis, f. -- liberty, freedom (noun): liberty, liberal
libo, libare, libavi, libatum -- to pour a libation; to pour ritually; to sip (verb): libation
licet, licere, licuit -- it is permitted, one may (verb): videlicet, scilicet
limen, liminis, n. -- threshold (noun): preliminary, eliminate, sublime
lingua, linguae, f. -- tongue; language (noun): language, linguist
littera, litterae, f. -- letter (of alphabet) (noun): letter, literature. Literate
litterae, litterarum, f. -- letter, literature (noun): literature
litus, litoris, n. -- shore, coast (noun): littoral
loca, locorum, n. -- places, region (noun): local, locality, localize
locus, loci, m. -- place; passage (in literature) (noun): local, locality, localize
longus, a, um -- long; a long period of time (adjective): long, longevity, prolongate
loquor, loqui, locutus sum -- to say, speak, tell (verb): locution, eloquent
ludus, ludi, m. -- game, sport; school (noun): prelude, interlude
lumen, luminis n. -- light (noun): luminous
luna, lunae, f. -- moon (noun): lunar, lunatic
lux, lucis, f. -- light; daylight (noun): Lucifer, lucific
magister, magistri, m. -- teacher (male) (noun): master, magisterial, magistricide
magistra, magistrae, f. -- teacher (female) (noun): master, magisterial, magistricide
magnanimus, a, um -- great-hearted, brave, magnanimous (adjective): magnanimous
magnus, a, um -- great, large (adjective): magnate, magnify
maior, maius -- greater, older (adjective): major, mayor, majority, majorat
maiores, maiorum -- ancestors (noun): majority (as in 'join the majority', to die)
male -- badly (adverb): malefact, malpractice, malevolent
malus, a, um -- bad, wicked, evil (adjective): malfunction, dismal
maneo, manere, mansi, mansum -- to remain, stay (verb): remain, manor, permanent
manus, manus, f. -- hand; team, band of soldiers (noun): manual, manuscript, manipulate
mare, maris, n. -- sea (noun): marine, maritime
mater, matris, m. -- mother (noun): mother (cognate), maternal, maternity
maximus, a, um -- greatest (adjective): maximum, maximize
medica, medicae, f. -- doctor (noun): medic, medicine, medicate
medicus, medici, m. -- doctor (noun): medic, medicine, medicate
mediocris, mediocre -- ordinary, moderate, mediocre (adjective): mediocre, mediocrity
medius, a, um -- middle (adjective): media, medium, middle, mediate
melior, melius -- better (adjective): meliorism, meliorate, ameliorate
memini, meminisse -- to remember (verb): memento
memor, memoris -- rememgering, mindful (adjective): memoral, memory, remember
memoria, memoriae, f. -- memory (noun): memory, memorial
mens, mentis, f. -- mind, thought; intention (noun): mental, mentality
mensa, mensae, f. -- table (noun): mensa (ecclesiastic), commensal
merus, a, um -- pure, undiluted (adjective): mere
meta, metae, f. -- turning post, goal (noun): mete
metus, metus, m. -- fear, anxiety (noun): meticulous
meus, a, um -- my (adjective): my (cognate)
miles, militis, m. -- soldier (noun): military, militia, militant
mille, milia -- thousand (adjective): millenium, millepede
minimus, a, um -- smallest, least (adjective): minimum, minimize
minor, minus -- smaller, less (adjective): minor, minority
minuo, minuere, minui, minutum -- to lessen, diminish (verb): minute, diminish, minution
mirabilis, mirabile -- amazing, wondrous, remarkable (adjective): mirabilia, marvel
miror, mirari, miratus sum -- to marvel at, admire, wonder (verb): mirror, admire, miracle
misceo, miscere, miscui, mixtum -- to mix (verb): miscellaneous, mix, promiscuous
miser, misera, miserum -- miserable, wretched (adjective): miser, miserable, misery
misereor, misereri, miseritus sum -- to pity, feel sorry for; view with compassion (verb): misery, commiserate
miseret, miserere, miserit -- it distresses/grieves me (verb): misery, commiserate
mitto, mittere, misi, missum -- to send (verb): mission, transmit
modus, modi, m. -- measure, bound, limit; manner, method, mode (noun): mode, modal, accommodate
moenia, moenium, n. -- city walls, ramparts (noun): munition, munite (obsolete)
molior, moliri, molitus sum -- to work at, build, undertake, plan (verb): molition, amolition (obsolete)
mollio, mollire, mollivi, mollitum -- to soften; make calm (verb): mollient, molliable (obsolete)
moneo, monere, monui, monitum -- to warn, advise (verb): admonish, monitor
mons, montis, m. -- mountain (noun): mountain, mountiform
monstro, monstrare, monstravi, monstratum -- to show; point out, reveal; advise, teach (verb): monster, monstrate, demonstrate
monumentum, monumenti, n. -- monument (noun): monument, monumental
mora, morae, f. -- delay (noun): moratory
morbus, morbi, m. -- disease, illness (noun): morbid
morior, mori, mortuus sum -- to die (verb): morient, commorient
moror, morari, moratus sum -- to delay; stay, stay behind; devote attention to (verb): demur, immoration (obsolete)
mors, mortis, f. -- death (noun): mortal, mortify, mortician
mortalis, mortale -- mortal (adjective): mortal, mortality
mortuus, a, um -- dead (adjective): mortal
mos, moris, m. -- habit, custom, manner; pl., character (noun): moral
moveo, movere, movi, motum -- to move; affect (verb): move, motion, motive, motivation
mulier, mulieris, f. -- woman (noun): mulierous
multum -- much (adverb): multi-purpose
multus, a, um -- much, many (adjective): multeity, multiplex
mundus, mundi, m. -- world, universe (noun): mundane
munio, munire, munivi, munitum -- to fortify; strengthen; protect, defend; build (verb): munition, munify
muto, mutare, mutavi, mutatum -- to change, alter, exchange (verb): mutate
narro, narrare, narravi, narratum -- to tell, report; narrate (verb): narrator, narrative
nascor, nasci, natus sum -- to be born; spring forth, arise (verb): nation, renascent, enascent
nasus, nasi, m. -- nose (noun): nose (cognate), nasal
nata, natae, f. -- daughter (noun): native
natura, naturae, f. -- nature (noun): nature, natural
natus, nati m. -- son, child (noun): innate
nauta, nautae, m. -- sailor (noun): nautical
navigo, navigare, navigavi, navigatum -- to sail (verb): navigate
navis, navis, f. -- ship, boat (noun): navigation, naval, navy
ne -- not; in order that?not, that?not; lest (conjunction): not (cognate)
necesse -- necessary, inevitable (adjective): necessary, necessitude
neco, necare, necavi, necatum -- to murder, kill (verb): enecate (obsolete)
neglego, neglegere, neglexi, neglectum -- to neglect (verb): neglect
nego, negare, negavi, negatum -- to deny, say not (verb): negate, negative
nemus, nemoris n. -- wood, forest (noun): nemoral
nepos, nepotis, m. -- grandson, descendant (noun): nepotism
nescio, nescire, nescivi, nescitum -- not to know, be ignorant (verb): nescient
neuter, neutra, neutrum -- neither (adjective): neutral, neutralize
nihil -- nothing (noun): annihilate, nihilism, nil
nihilum, nihili n. -- nothing (noun): nihilism, annihilate
nimis -- too, too much (adverb): nimiety
nimium -- too, too much (adverb): nimiety
nisi -- if ? not; unless (conjunction): nisi (law)
noceo, nocere, nocui, nocitum + dat. -- to do harm to, harm, injure (verb): nocuous, nocent, innocent
nolo, nolle, nolui -- to not?wish, be unwilling (verb): nolens volens, nolition (obsolete)
nomen, nominis, n. -- name (noun): nominate, name, nominal
nosco, noscere -- to get to know; learn, find out; recognize (verb): know (cognate), noscible, notion
noster, nostra, nostrum -- our (adjective): nostratic, paternoster
notus, a, um -- well known, familiar; esteemed (adjective): notable, noted
novus, a, um -- new; last (adjective): new (cognate), novice, novel, renovate
nox, noctis, f. -- night (noun): equinox, nocturnal, night (cognate)
noxa, noxae f. -- harm, injury (noun): noxious, obnoxious, noxal
nubes, nubis, f. -- cloud (noun): nubia, nubiferous
nubo, nubere, nupsi, nuptum -- to cover, veil; to be married to, marry (+ dat.) (verb): nubile, nuptial
nullus, a, um -- no, none (adjective): nullify
numen, numinis n. -- divinity, divine will (noun): numen, numinal (rare)
numerus, numeri, m. -- number (noun): numerical, numerate
nunc -- now (adverb): now (cognate)
nuntio, nuntiare, nuntiavi, nuntiatum -- to announce, report, relate (verb): nunciation (obsolete), announce
nutrix, nutricis f. -- nurse (noun): nutrice (rare), nutritious
ob -- (with Acc.) on account of, for the sake of, for (preposition): obtain, obtest
obeo, obire, obii, obitum -- to go up against, meet; die (verb): obituary
obitus, obitus m -- downfall, death, setting (of the sun) (noun): obituary
oblecto, oblectare, oblectavi, oblectatum -- to please, amuse, delight; pass time pleasantly (verb): oblectate (rare)
obliviscor, oblivisci, oblitus sum -- to forget (verb): oblivion
obsto, obstare, obstiti, obstatum -- to oppose, hinder (verb): obstant, obstacle
occasio, occasionis, f. -- occasion, opportunity (noun): occasion, occasional
occido, occidere, occidi, occasum -- to fall down; die; set (verb): occidental
occulte -- secretly (adverb): occult, occultism
oculus, oculi, m. -- eye (noun): ocular
odi, odisse, osurum -- to hate (verb): odious
odium, odii, n. -- hatred (noun): odium, odious
offero, offerre, obtuli, oblatum -- to offer (verb): offer, offertory
officium, officii, n. -- duty, service (noun): office, officer, officiate
omnis, omne -- every, all (adjective): omnipresence, omnibus
opinio, opinionis f. -- opinion (noun): opinion, opinionated
opinor, opinari, opinatus sum -- to suppose (verb): opinion, opinionated
oportet, oportere, oportuit -- it is proper, right, necessary (verb): opportune
oppidum, oppidi n. -- town (noun): oppidan
opprimo, opprimere, oppressi, oppressum -- to suppress, overwhelm, overpower, check (verb): oppress
oppugno, oppugnare, oppugnavi, oppugnatum -- to fight against, attack, assault, assail (verb): oppugn, oppugnant
ops, opis, f. -- help, aid; pl., resources, power, wealth (noun): opulence, copious
optimus, a, um -- best (adjective): optimal, optimism
opto, optare, optavi, optatum -- to choose, select; wish, desire; (verb): opt, option
opus, operis, n. -- work, task; deed, accomplishment (noun): opus, operary, operation
oratio, orationis, f. -- speech (noun): oration, orator
orator, oratoris, m. -- orator, speaker (noun): orator, oratory, oration
orbis, orbis n. -- circle, territory; region (noun): orb, orbit
orior, oriri, ortus sum -- to rise, arise; spring from, appear (verb): origin, exort (obsolete)
orno, ornare, ornavi, ornatum -- to equip, furnish, adorn (verb): orn (obsolete), ornate
oro, orare, oravi, oratum -- to speak, plead; beg, beseech, entreat (verb): oration, perorate, oratory
ortus, ortus m. -- rise, origin; birth; source (noun): ortive (obsolete)
os, oris, n. -- mouth (noun): oral
osculum, osculi, n. -- kiss (noun): osculate, osculatory
ostendo, ostendere, ostendi, ostentum -- to exhibit, show, display (verb): ostend (obsolete), ostentatious, ostensible
otium, otii, n. -- leisure, peace (noun): otious
paene -- almost (adverb): peninsula, penultuma
paenitet, paenitere, paenituit -- it displeases, makes angry, makes sorry (verb): penitent
par, paris -- equal, like (adjective): par, parity
parens, parentis, m./f. -- parent (noun): parent, parental
paro, parare, paravi, paratum -- to prepare, provide, get, obtain (verb): prepare
pars, partis, f. -- part, share; direction (noun): part, partial, party
parvus, a, um -- small, little (adjective): parvule
patefacio, patefacere, patefeci, patefactum -- to make open, open; disclose, expose (verb): patefaction (obsolete)
pateo, patere, patui -- to be open, lie open, be accessible, be evident (verb): patent, patulous
pater, patris, m. -- father (noun): father (cognate), patricide, paternal
patientia, patientiae, f. -- suffering; patience, endurance (noun): patience, patient
patior, pati, passus sum -- to suffer, endure, permit (verb): patience, patient, pass
patria, patriae, f. -- fatherland, country (noun): patriot
pauci, ae, a -- few (adjective): paucity
paulus, a, um -- small, little (adjective): Paul
pauper, pauperis -- poor (adjective): pauper, poor, poverty
paupertas, paupertatis, f. -- poverty, humble circumstances (noun): pauper, poverty
pax, pacis, f. -- peace (noun): peace, pacifist, pacable
pectus, pectoris, n. -- breast, heart (noun): pectoral
pecunia, pecuniae, f. -- money (noun): pecuniary, pecunial
peior, peius -- worse (adjective): impair, pejorative
pello, pellere, pepuli, pulsum -- to strike, push, drive out, banish (verb): pulse, repell, expell
per + acc. -- through (preposition): pervade, perplex
peregrinor, peregrinari, peregrinatus sum -- to travel abroad, wander (verb): peregrinate, peregrination
pereo, perire, perii, peritum -- to pass away, be destroyed, perish (verb): perish
perficio, perficere, perfeci, perfectum -- to finish; execute; bring about, accomplish (verb): perfect, perfection, perficient (rare)
periculum, periculi, n. -- danger (noun): peril
pernocto, pernoctare, pernoctavi, pernoctatum -- to spend the night (verb): pernoctate, pernoctation, pernoctalian
perpetuus, a, um -- eternal, perpetual, continuous (adjective): perpetual, perpetuate, perpetuiuty
persuadeo, persuadere, persuasi, persuasum + dat. -- to make sweet to, persuade (verb): persuade
pes, pedis, m. -- foot (noun): pedicure, pedestrian, biped
pessimus, a, um -- worst (adjective): pessimism
peto, petere, petivi, petitum -- to seek, aim at, beg, beseech (verb): petition, petitive, petulant
philosophia, philosophiae, f. -- philosophy (noun): philosophy
philosophus, philosophi, m. -- philosopher (noun): philospher, philosophy
piger, pigra, pigrum -- lazy, slow (adjective): pigritious (obsolete)
pius, a, um -- loyal, dutiful pious (adjective): pious, piety
placeo, placere, placui, placitum + dat. -- to be pleasing to, please (verb): please, placid, pleasure
plebs, plebis, f. -- the common people, populace, plebeians (noun): plebs, plebe, plebeian, plebiscitum
plenus, a, um -- full (adjective): plenitude, complete
plurimum -- most, very much (adverb): plural, plurality
plurimus, a, um -- most (adjective): plural
plus, pluris -- more (adjective): plus, plural
poena, poenae, f. -- penalty, punishment (noun): penal, penalty
poeta, poetae, m. -- poet (noun): poet, poetry
polliceor, polliceri, pollicitus sum -- promise (verb): pollicitate (obsolete), policy
pono, ponere, posui, positum -- to put, place, set (verb): pose, postpone, preposition
populus, populi, m. -- people (noun): popular, populate
porta, portae, f. -- gate, entrance, door (noun): port
porto, portare, portavi, portatum -- to carry, bring (verb): portable, porter
possum, posse, potui -- to be able, can, have power (verb): posse, potence
post + acc. -- after, behind (preposition): postmodern
potens, potentis -- powerful, able, strong (adjective): potentate, potential
prae + abl. -- in front of, before (preposition): preeminent, premature
praebeo, praebere, praebui, praebitum -- to offer, provide (verb): prebition
praefero, praeferre, praetuli, praelatum -- to carry in front of; offer; give preference to (verb): prefer
praeficio, praeficere, praefeci, praefectus -- to put in charge (verb): prefect, prefecture
praemium, praemii, n. -- reward (noun): premium, premiate (rare)
praesto, praestare, praestiti, praestitum -- to excel; show, offer, supply, furnish (verb): prestation
praesum, praeesse, praefui -- be in charge, be present (verb): to be present
praeter + acc. -- besides, except (preposition): preternatural, preterea
precor, precari, precatus sum -- beg, wish, pray (verb): prayer imprecate, precarious, precatory
premo, premere, pressi, pressum -- to press, press hard, pursue (verb): press, pressure, compression
pretium, pretii n. -- price, value (noun): price, precious
primo -- at first, at the beginning (adverb): primary, prime
primum -- at first, in the first place (adverb): primary, prime
primus, a, um -- first (adjective): prime, primordial
princeps, principis -- chief, foremost (adjective): prince, principal
princeps, principis, m. -- leader, chief, emperor (noun): prince, principal
principium, principii, n. -- beginning (noun): principle
prior, prius -- former (adjective): prior, priority
pristinus, a, um -- ancient; former, previous (adjective): pristine
pro + abl. -- in front of, before, instead of, on behalf of (preposition): provisional, prorated
probitas, probitatis, f. -- uprightness, honesty (noun): provbity
probo, probare, probavi, probatum -- to test; approve; recommend (verb): probe, prove, approbate
proficiscor, proficisci, profectus sum -- to set out, start (verb): profection (rare), profectitious
progredior, progredi, progressus sum -- to go, come forth, go forward, march forward (verb): progress, progression
prohibeo, prohibere, prohibui, prohibitum -- to prevent, hinder, restrain, prohibit (verb): prohibit, prohibition
promitto, promittere, promisi, promissum -- to send forth; promise (verb): promise
pronuntio, pronuntiare, pronuntiavi, pronuntiatum -- to pronounce, announce, proclaim (verb): pronounce
propter + acc. -- on account of, because (preposition): propternuptial
prosum, prodesse, profui -- to be useful, benefit, (with Dat.) (verb): product
provincia, provinciae -- province (noun): province, provincial
proximus, a, um -- nearest, next (adjective): proximity
publicus, a, um -- public (adjective): public, publicize
pudet, pudere, puduit, puditus est -- it shames, make ashamed (verb): pudent, impudent
pudicus, a, um -- modest, chaste (adjective): pudicity
puella, puellae, f. -- girl (noun): puellarity
puer, pueri, m. -- boy; pl., children (noun): puerile
pugno, pugnare, pugnavi, pugnatum -- to fight (verb): pugnatory, oppugn, repugn
pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum -- beautiful, handsome (adjective): pulcherify, pulcheritude
puto, putare, putavi, putatum -- to reckon, suppose, suppose, think, imagine (verb): putative, impute, dispute
quaero, quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitum -- to seek, look for, strive for, ask, inquire (verb): quest, question, inquire
qualis, quale -- what kind of (adjective): quality, qualify
quam -- how (adverb): plusquamperfect
quantus, a, um -- how large, how great, how much (adjective): quantity, quantify
quare -- wherefore, why, because of which (adverb): quary (obsolete)
quasi -- as if, as it were (adverb): quasi
-que -- and (enclitic): "filioque (""and from the Son"")"
queror, queri, questus sum -- to complain, lament (verb): query, quarrel, querimony
qui, quae, quod -- who, which, what, that (pronoun): quoddity, sine qua non, quib
qui? quae? quod? -- what? which? what kind? (adjective): quiddity, quoddity
quid -- what? (pronoun): quiddity
quidam, quaedam, quiddam -- a certain one, thing;someone, something (pronoun): forensic
quinque -- five (adjective): quintuplets
quis, quid (indef.) -- anyone, anything, someone, something (pronoun): quiddity
quis? quid? -- who? what? (pronoun): quiddity
quoad -- as long as, as far as (conjunction): quoad, quoad hoc (to this extent)
quot -- how many, as many as (adjective): quota, quotient, quotiety
radius, radii m. -- ray, rod (noun): radio, radiant, radial
rapio, rapere, rapui, raptum -- to seize, snatch, carry away (verb): rape, rapture
ratio, rationis, f. -- reckoning, account, reason, judgment, manner (noun): rational
recipio, recipere, recepi, receptum -- to take back, regain, admit, receive (verb): receipt, reception, receptor
recito, recitare, recitavi, recitatum -- to recite (verb): recite. Recital
recognosco, recognoscere, recognovi, recognitum -- to recognize, recollect (verb): recognize, recognition
recreo, recreare, recreavi, recreatum -- to restore, revive; refresh, cheer (verb): recreate, recreation
recuso, recusare, recusavi, recusatum -- to refuse (verb): recuse, recusation, irrecusable
redeo, redire, redii, reditum -- to go back, return (verb): redient (rare), redition (rare)
refero, referre, rettuli, relatum -- to carry back, bring back; repeat, answer (verb): refer, refery
regina, reginae, f. -- queen (noun): reginist (obsolete)
rego, regere, rexi, rectum -- to rule, guide, direct (verb): reign, region, regent
relinquo, relinquere, reliqui, relictum -- to leave behind, leave, abandon, desert (verb): relinquish, relict, derelict
remaneo, remanere, remansi, remansum -- to remain, stay (verb): remain, permanent
remedium, remedii, n. -- cure, remedy (noun): remedy
remissio, remissionis, f. -- letting go, release; relaxation (noun): remission, remit, remittance
removeo, removere, removi, remotum -- move back; put away; withdraw; remove (verb): remove
reperio, reperire, repperi, repertum -- to find, discover, learn, get (verb): reperible, repertorium
requiesco, requiescere, requievi, requietum -- to rest (verb): requiescence, requiesce (rare)
requiro, requirere, requisivi, requisitum -- to seek, ask for, miss, need, require (verb): require, requirement
res publica, rei publicae, f. -- state, commonwealth, republic (noun): republic, republican
res, rei, f. -- thing, matter, business, affair (noun): real, rebus, republic
respondeo, respondere, respondi, responsum -- to answer (verb): respond
retego, retegere, retexi, retectum -- to uncover, reveal (verb): retection (obsolete)
reverto, revertere, reverti, reversum -- to turn back (verb): revert
rex, regis, m. -- king (noun): regicide, regal
rideo, ridere, risi, risum -- to laugh, laugh at (verb): ridicule, risible, deride
ridiculus, a, um -- laughable, ridiculous (adjective): ridiculous, ridicule
rogo, rogare, rogavi, rogatum -- to ask (verb): rogation, interrogate, prerogatory
Romanus, a, um -- Roman (adjective): romanize, romance (languages)
ruina, ruinae f. -- ruin, destruction (noun): ruin
rumor, rumoris, m. -- rumor, gossip (noun): rumor
ruo, ruere, rui, rutus -- to fall, rush (verb): ruin
rus, ruris, n. -- the country, countryside (noun): rustic, rural
rusticor, rusticari, rusticatus sum -- to live in the country (verb): rusticate, rural
sacerdos, sacerdotis, m. -- priest (noun): sacerdotal, sacerdocy
saevus, a, um -- cruel (adjective): savage
sal, salis, m. -- salt; wit (noun): salt (cognate)
salus, salutis, f. -- health, safety; greeting (noun): salute, salutary
salveo, salvere -- to be well (verb): salutary, safe, salubrity, salutation
salvus, a, um -- safe, sound (adjective): salvation, safe
sanus, a, um -- sound, healthy, sane (adjective): sane, sanity
sapiens, sapientis -- wise, judicious (adjective): sapience, sapiential
sapiens, sapientis, m. -- wise man, philosopher (noun): sapient
sapientia, sapientiae, f. -- wisdom (noun): sapience, sapientipotent
sapio, sapere, sapui -- to have good taste; have good sense, be wise (verb): sapid, sapient
satio, satiare, satiavi, satiatum -- to satisfy, sate (verb): satiate, insatiable
satis -- enough, sufficient (adjective): satisfaction, saturate
sator, satoris, m. -- sower, planter; begetter, father; founder (noun): satorious (obsolete)
satura, saturae, f. -- satire (noun): satire, satirical
saxum, saxi, n. -- rock, stone (noun): saxifrage, saxous (obsolete)
scelus, sceleris, n. -- evil deed, crime (noun): scelerate, scelerous (obsolete)
scientia, scientiae, f. -- knowledge (noun): science
scio, scire, scivi, scitum -- to know (verb): science, conscience
scribo, scribere, scripsi, scriptum -- to write (verb): scribe, postscriptum, scriptorium
scriptor, scriptoris, m. -- writer (noun): scriptorium
secundus, a, um -- second; favorable (adjective): second,
sedeo, sedere, sedi, sessum -- to sit (verb): sit (cognate), sedan, sediment
semel -- once, a single time (adverb): semelparity (biology)
semper -- always (adverb): sempiternal, sempervirent
senectus, senectutis, f. -- old age (noun): senectitude
senex, senis, m. -- old (man) (adjective): senectitude, senile
sensus, sensus, m. -- sense, feeling (noun): sense, sensual
sententia, sententiae, f. -- feeling, thought; opinion; sentence (noun): sentence, sentimental
sentio, sentire, sensi, sensum -- to feel, perceive, think (verb): sensation, sense, sensory
sequor, sequi, secutus sum -- to follow (verb): sequence, prosecute
sereno, serenare, serenavi, serenatum -- to make clear, brighten; cheer up, soothe (verb): serenate (obsolete), serene
serva, servae, f. -- slave (female) (noun): serve, service
servio, servire, servivi, servitum + dat. -- to be a slave to, serve (verb): serve, servant
servitus, servitutis, f. -- slavery, servitude (noun): servitude, serve
servo, servare, servavi, servatum -- to preserve, keep, save (verb): serve, servant, servile, servitude
servus, servi, m. -- slave (male) (noun): serve, service
sidus, sideris, n. -- constellation, star (noun): sideral, siderous (obsolete)
signum, signi, n. -- sign, signal, seal, indication (noun): sign, signature
similis, simile -- similar, resembling (adjective): similar, simile, assimilate
sine -- without (preposition): "sincere (""without wax""), sine qua non (""indispensable"")"
sinister, sinistra, sinistrum -- left, left-hand (adjective): sinister, sinistrous
socius, socii m. -- associate, companion; ally (noun): social, society
sol, solis, m. -- sun (noun): solar, solstice
solacium, solacii, n. -- comfort, relief (noun): solace
soleo, solere, solitus sum -- to be accustomed (verb): insolent, obsolesce
sollers, sollertis m. -- skilled, expert (noun): solert (obsolete)
solus, a, um -- alone, only (adjective): sole, solitude
somnus, somni, m. -- sleep, dream (noun): insomnia, somnambulism
soror, sororis, f. -- sister (noun): sorority, sister (cognate)
sors, sortis f. -- lot, destiny (noun): sort, sorcery, sortilege (rare)
spargo, spargere, sparsi, sparsum -- to scatter, strew, sprinkle (verb): spare, sparse
species, speciei f. -- appearance (noun): species, conspicuous
specto, spectare, spectavi, spectatum -- to look at, see (verb): spectator, spectacle
speculum, speculi, n. -- mirror (noun): speculum, specular
spero, sperare, speravi, speratum -- to hope for, hope (verb): despair
spiritus, spiritus, m. -- breath, spirit, soul (noun): spirit, aspiration, spiritual
statua, statuae f. -- statue (noun): statue
stella, stellae, f. -- star, planet (noun): stellar, constellation
sto, stare, steti, statum -- to stand, stand still (verb): stand, stance, state
studeo, studere, studui + dat. -- to direct one's zeal to, be eager for, study (verb): study, storious, student
studium, studii, n. -- eagerness, zeal, pursuit (noun): student, studious
stultus, a, um -- foolish (adjective): stultitious, stolid
suavis, suave -- sweet (adjective): suave
sub + abl. -- under, up under (preposition): submarine, subnormal
sub + acc. -- under, up under, close to (preposition): submarine, subnormal
subito -- suddenly (adverb): subite (obsolete)
sublimis, sublime -- elevated, lofty; heroic, noble (adjective): sublime, sublimity
subrideo, subridere, subrisi, subrisum -- to smile down upon (verb): subride (obsolete), subrision (rare)
sui, sibi, se, se -- -self (reflexive) (pronoun): suicide
sum, esse, fui, futurum -- to be (verb): essence
summus, a, um -- highest (adjective): sum, summit
superbus, a, um -- proud, arrogant, overbearing, haughty (adjective): superb, superbity
superior, superius -- higher; the gods above (adjective): superior, super
supero, superare, superavi, superatum -- to be above, surpass; overcome, conquer (verb): super
supersum, superesse, superfui -- to be left over; survive (verb): superessive (Grammar)
superus, a, um -- above, upper (adjective): superior, super
supremus, a, um -- highest, upper, last (adjective): supreme, supremity
surgo, surgere, surrexi, surrectum -- to get up, arise (verb): surge, insurge
suscipio, suscipere, suscepi, susceptum -- to undertake; support (verb): susception, susceptive
suspendo, suspendere, suspendi, suspensum -- to hang up, suspend; interrupt (verb): suspend, suspension
sustineo, sustinere, sustinui, sustentum -- to support; check; put off; sustain (verb): sustain, sustainable
suus, a, um -- his, her, its, their (own) (adjective): suicide
Syracusae, Syracusarum, f. -- Syracuse (noun): Syracuse
taceo, tacere, tacui, tacitum -- to be silent, leave unmentioned (verb): tacent, tacid, conticent
talis, tale -- such, of such a sort (adjective): tally, retaliate
tango, tangere, tetigi, tactum -- to touch (verb): tangible, tango, tactile
tantum -- only, so much (adverb): plurale tantum (grammar)
tantus, a, um -- so large, so great, of such a size (adjective): tantamount
tantus..quantus -- just as much?as (adjective): tantamount
te -- you (pronoun): thee (cognate)
tego, tegere, texi, tectum -- to cover, defend; hide (verb): protect, protection, protectorate
tempestas, tempestatis, f. -- period of time, season; weather; storm (noun): tempest, tempestuous
tempto, temptare, temptavi, temptatum -- to test, try; urge (verb): tempt, temptation
tempus, temporis, n. -- time (noun): temporary, tense
teneo, tenere, tenui, tentum -- to hold, keep, possess (verb): tenent, obtain, contain, maintain
tergum, tergi n. -- back (noun): tergant (rare)
terra, terrae, f. -- earth, land (noun): terral, terrene, territory
terreo, terrere, terrui, territum -- to terrify (verb): terrify, terrible, deter
timeo, timere, timui -- to fear (verb): timid, intimidate
timor, timoris, m. -- fear (noun): timorous
tolero, tolerare, toleravi, toleratum -- to bear, endure (verb): tolerate, tolerance
tollo, tollere, sustuli, sublatum -- to raise, lift up; take away, remove, destroy (verb): extoll
tot -- so many (adjective): totient, total
totus, a, um -- whole, entire (adjective): total
trado, tradere, tradidi, traditum -- to give over, surrender; hand down, transmit,teach (verb): trade, traitor
traho, trahere, traxi, tractum -- to draw, drag, derive (verb): tractor, traction, trace
trans + acc. -- across (preposition): trans-Atlantic, transgress
transeo, transire, transii, transitum -- to go across, cross; pass over, ignore (verb): transition, transit
transitus, transitus, m. -- passing over, transit, transition (noun): transition, transit
tres, tria -- three (adjective): three (cognate), tri-county, trinity
tristis, triste -- sad, sorrowful; joyless, grim, severe (adjective): tristesse
Troia, Troiae, f. -- Troy (noun): Troy, Trojan
tu, tui -- you (pronoun): thou (cognate)
turba, turbae, f. -- mob, crowd, disturbance (noun): turbulent, disturb
turpis, turpe -- ugly, shameful, base, disgraceful (adjective): turpitude
tuus, a, um -- your (adjective): thou, thine (cognate)
tyrannus, tyranni, m. -- tyrant (noun): tyrant, tyrannical
ubi -- when, where, where? (conjunction): ubiquitous
ullus, a, um -- any (adjective): nullify
ultimus, a, um -- farthest, extreme; last (adjective): ultimatum
ultra -- on the other side, beyond (adverb): ultrasonic, ultramarine
ultra + acc. -- on the other side, beyond (preposition): ultrasonic, ultramarine
unda, undae f. -- wave (noun): undate, undulate
unus, a, um -- one, single, alone (adjective): unity, unite, unanimous
urbanus, a, um -- of the city, urban, urbane (adjective): urbane, urban
urbs, urbis, f. -- city; City of Rome (noun): urban, suburb
urna, urnae f. -- urn (noun): urn
usus, usus m. -- use, advantage, enjojment (noun): use, usable
uter, utra, utrum -- either, which (of two) (adjective): neuter
utilis, utile -- useful, advantageous (adjective): utility, utilize
utor, uti, usus sum + abl. -- to use; enjoy, experience (verb): use, utile
uxor, uxoris, f. -- wife (noun): uxorious, uxoricide
valeo, valere, valui, valiturum -- to be strong; have power; be well (verb): valeology, valid
validus, a, um -- strong, healthy (adjective): valid, validity, invalid
vendo, vendere, vendidi, venditum -- to sell (verb): vendor, vending
venia, veniae f. -- favor, kindness (noun): venial, veniable
venio, venire, veni, ventum -- to come (verb): advent, convent, convene
ventus, venti, m. -- wind (noun): wind (cognate), ventose
verbum, verbi, n. -- word (noun): verb, verbose, verbal
vereor, vereri, veritus sum -- to show reverence for, respect (verb): verecund, revere
veritas, veritatis, f. -- truth (noun): verity, verify
vero -- but; in truth, indeed, to be sure, however (adverb): verify, verity
versus, versus, m. -- verse (noun): verse, versification
verto, vertere, verti, versum -- to turn, change (verb): verse, vertex, avert
verus, a, um -- true, real; proper (adjective): verity, verify
vesper, vesperis, m. -- evening; evening star (noun): vespers
vetus, veteris -- old (adjective): veterate, veteran
via, viae, f. -- way, road, street (noun): via, obvious, viaduct
vicina, vicinae, f. -- neighbor (noun): vicinity, vicinate (obsolete)
vicinus, vicini, m. -- neighbor (noun): vicinity
victoria, victoriae, f. -- victory (noun): victory, victorious
video, videre, vidi, visum -- to see (verb): video, vision
videor, videri, visus sum -- to be seen, seem (verb): video, vision, visual
vigor, vigoris m. -- liveliness, vigor, activity (noun): vigor, vigorous
vinco, vincere, vici, victum -- to conquer (verb): victor, invincible, vanquish
vinum, vini, n. -- wine (noun): wine (cognate), vinous
violo, violare, violavi, violatum -- to violate, dishonor; outrage (verb): violate, violent
vir, viri, m. -- man (noun): virile, virility
virgo, virginis, f. -- maiden, virgin (noun): virgin, virginity
virtus, virtutis, f. -- manliness, courage, excellence, virtue (noun): virtue, virtuous
vis, vis, f. -- force (noun): virial
vita, vitae, f. -- life (noun): vital
vitium, vitii, n. -- fault, crime; vice (noun): vice, vicious
vito, vitare, vitavi, vitatum -- to avoid, shun (verb): evite (obsolete), inevitable
vivo, vivere, vixi, victum -- to live (verb): survive, vivid, revive
vivus, a, um -- alive, living (adjective): vivisection, quick (cognate)
voco, vocare, vocavi, vocatum -- to call (verb): vocation
volo, velle, volui -- to wish, want, be willing, will (verb): benevolent, malevolent, voluntary
voluptas, voluptatis, f. -- pleasure (noun): voluptuous
vox, vocis, f. -- voice, word (noun): voice, vocal
vulgus, vulgi, m. -- the common people, mob, rabble (noun): vulgar, vulgate
vulnero, vulnerare, vulneravi, vulneratum -- to wound, harm, distress (verb): vulnerate, vulneration, vulnerable
vulnus, vulneris, n. -- wound (noun): vulnerable, vulnerose
vultus, vultus, m. -- countenance, face (noun): vultuosous (obsolete), invultation (rare)